Last Sunday, we kicked off the Book of 2 Timothy, which was the Apostle Paul’s last recorded letter before his execution. Paul sensed that his time on earth was coming to an end (2 Timothy 4:6) while he was facing dark and difficult days. At this time, he sought to encourage young Pastor Timothy. He aimed to instill courage in Timothy for the weighty task to which he had been called, knowing that his tendency would be towards fear. Paul sought to encourage Timothy by reminding him that “God gave us a spirit not of fear but of power and love and self-control” (1:7). He also encouraged him by reminding him of Gospel truth, namely that “through the appearing of our Savior Christ Jesus, [God has] abolished death and brought life and immortality to light through the gospel” (1:10). This truth affirms that Christ conquered death by dying in our place, being buried, and raised from the dead. Paul sought to encourage Timothy by reminding him of his loving support and prayers for him (1:3-4). He also highlighted the sincere faith of Timothy’s mother and grandmother (1:5) and affirmed the sincerity of Timothy’s faith. Additionally, Paul pointed to his own example of suffering and hardship (1:11-13).
The power of the Holy Spirit and the truth of the Gospel, when internalized and believed, make us bold witnesses, even when facing persecution, trials, and death. The Apostle Paul modeled this and called Timothy to walk in courage as a young pastor. Much of what Jesus calls us to as his followers requires courage. Mark Twain wrote, “Courage is resistance to fear, mastery of fear—not absence of fear.” Feeling fear is part of being human, and we must resist the fears that hinder us from doing what God has called us to do.
C.S. Lewis insightfully wrote, “Courage is not simply one of the virtues, but the form of every virtue at the testing point.” Courage is a character quality of those who know God and are walking closely with Him.
What fears do you need to face in your own life currently with the help of the Holy Spirit?
Behind many of our fears are lies that we believe. Ask the Lord to show you what lies you might be believing that add fuel to unhealthy fears. Listen to this song about how “fear is a liar.”
The letter of 2 Timothy is loaded with Gospel truth that was written not only to encourage and strengthen Timothy but also sovereignly placed there for us, to be equipped and encouraged. Read through it this week, look for Gospel content, and reflect on why there is so much emphasis on the Gospel in Paul’s last letter to his young protégé.
Pastor Keith Dollar is a pastor of City Church Garland, a church plant of City Church International.
Come visit City Church Garland on Sunday morning at 10:15 am.