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Corporate Fast January 1-4, 2025

Writer's picture: Keith DollarKeith Dollar
Corporate Fasting January 1-4

Mark your calendars for a time to seek God together through prayer and fasting. At the beginning of the year from sundown Wednesday, January 1st to sundown Saturday, January 4th we are going to make room for prayer and spending extended time in God’s presence and in His word through forfeiting some meals (fasting). 

We will meet Wednesday evening at 6:30 pm to kick off this time of prayer and fasting with a Worship and Prayer night.

As we kick off our corporate prayer and fasting next Wednesday night it’s important to know why we are doing this. 

Fasting can be difficult and frustrating, especially if we don’t have a proper “why” for doing it. Below are 10 purposes stated, and you may have several of them to connect with for your reason for fasting personally. Here are four purposes that we are aiming for corporately in this fast.

First, as a church our top aim in fasting corporately is to make room for God to fill our lives as we seek Him in prayer and in His word (Psalm 27:4). 

Secondly, after the holidays our hearts can often be weighed down and crowded with distractions by even good things. And in view of the new year with many plans, decisions and opportunities we want God's guidance and desire that He be the center of our plans (James 4:15). With the church merge transition there are many new opportunities and decisions to make for which we need wisdom and guidance from God. 

Thirdly, we aim to humble ourselves before God with prayer and fasting expressing our dependence upon Him, knowing that apart from abiding in Christ we can do nothing (John 15:4). 

Fourthly, there are areas in our lives that may need repentance, some of which we may be aware of and others which we may be blind spots. Making space to seek God and examine ourselves can reveal those hidden areas of sin that God wants to bring to the light so that cleansing and change can occur (John 1:7-9, Psalm 19:12-14).

What is fasting?

  • Christian fasting is a believer’s abstinence from food for spiritual purposes. Fasting is saying “This much, O God, I want you….This is the essence of Christian fasting: We ache and yearn—and fast—to know more and more of all that God is for us in Jesus. But only because he has already laid hold of us and is drawing us ever forward and upward into ‘all the fullness of God. -Hunger for God by John Piper

  • “Fasting can be an expression of finding your greatest pleasure and enjoyment in life from God” Don Whitney, Spiritual Disciplines

Why fast?

Purposes For Fasting taken from Spiritual Disciplines by Don Whitney

Suggested article to read about fasting?

Suggested book to read about fasting?

* Please consult with your physician if you have a medical condition that would prevent you from going without food. If you do have conditions that would prevent you from fasting food you may want to explore some other options like giving up sweets, media, or something else that will help you make room for God in your life. Also, if your work is physically demanding you may want to consider drinking juices or smoothies for the necessary energy to do your job. If you are fasting with water, only know that you will need to allow yourself to get adequate rest while your body is detoxing.

Join us at City Church North for our prayer times during our fast. 

Prayer Times 

  • Wednesday Night 6:30pm to 8pm

  • Thursday 12pm -1pm

  • Friday 12pm -1pm

  • Saturday 9am -10:30  


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